Lacaton & Vassal: Living in the City
This exhibition encapsulates three years of teaching and research focussed on the Sirius Building and the Waterloo Housing Estate by architects Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal, inaugural Rothwell co-chairs of the University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design, and Planning.
Lacaton & Vassal: Living in the City showcases the architects’ projects, documentaries and research, illuminating their architectural method which is based on close attention, transformation rather than demolition, and provision of high quality living spaces.
Curated by Anne Lacaton, Jean-Philippe Vassal, Hannes Frykholm and Catherine Lassen, the exhibition foregrounds the Pritzker Prize-winning French architects’ conviction that urbanism begins inside each apartment, with quality housing for everyone.
Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal are Paris-based architects and 2021 Pritzker Prize Laureates. Since establishing their studio in 1987 they have demonstrated boldness through their design of new buildings and transformative projects, including private and social housing, cultural and academic institutions, urban strategies and public spaces. Their architecture prioritises generous spaces and freedom of use; they constantly seek to do more with less through close attention to existing circumstances, critical engagement with economic and environmental conditions, and a commitment to social justice and sustainability.
Free entry
27 July – 23 September 2023
Tuesday to Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday 12–5pm

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