Powerhouse Late: A Line A Web A World
Join us for a night of illustration and drawing to celebrate A Line A Web A World. The exhibition comprises more than 230 drawings from the Powerhouse Collection and traverses thousands of years of documented drawing practices.
The night will feature a magic lantern performance, the launch of Drawing Club, curator-led tours of the exhibition and visuals accompanied by a DJ.
Drawing Club offers free drop-in sessions for anyone who loves to draw and is keen to learn different drawing techniques. Sessions inspired by the exhibition will be led by Studio A on the night.
Magic lantern performances featuring Martyn Jolly, Charles Martin and Anna Madeleine Raupach will take you on a phantasmagoric journey as they recreate a 19th century magic lantern. Inspired by the Powerhouse Collection and Sydney Observatory, these unique performances give movement to original hand-painted magic slides projected through a 130-year-old brass and mahogany magic lantern.
5–9pm Facilitated by Studio A, a locally supported studio that tackles the barriers artists with intellectual disability face in accessing conventional education, professional development pathways and opportunities
6pm, 7.15pm Magic lantern performance with Martyn Jolly, Charles Martin and Anna Madeleine Raupach
6pm and 7pm Curator-led tour of A Line A Web A World with senior curator Katie Dyer and assistant curator Nina Earl
5–9pm Unique illustrations and imagery curated by senior curator Katie Dyer
5–9pm DJ Kana Frazer
5–9pm Bar by Grifter
Free entry, registrations recommended
Suitable for all ages; recommended 8+
3 August 2023
We encourage visitors with accessibility requirements to contact us via book@powerhouse.com.au or (02) 9217 0222 for help in planning your visit. We accept Companion Cards.
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