Homo Urbanus
Homo Urbanus is a cinematic odyssey offering a vibrant tribute to public space. Taking the form of a free-wheeling journey around the world (10 films, 10 cities, 10 hours of films), the project by artist-filmmakers Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine invites a closer look at individual and collective behaviour, interpersonal dynamics, social tensions and the economic and political forces that play out on city streets.
These observational films put urban humanity under the microscope and encourage a closer look at individual and collective behaviour, interpersonal dynamics, social tensions, and the economic and political forces that play out every day on city streets.
Acclaimed artist-filmmakers Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine’s global odyssey presents a series of 45–65 minute films comparing issues linked with daily life.
Screening Details
Homo Urbanus will screen from 5–9pm on Thursday 14 September as part of Powerhouse Late and 10am–5pm on Friday 15 September in the Theatre at Powerhouse Ultimo. Attendees are welcome to join at any time. Tickets are not required.
Thursday 14 September, 5–9pm
1. Homo Urbanus Neapolitanus, 45 min
2. Homo Urbanus Seoulianus, 45 min
3. Homo Urbanus Rabatius, 45 min
4. Homo Urbanus Petroburgumus, 45 min
Friday 15 September, 10am–5pm
5. Homo Urbanus Bogotanus, 45 min
6. Homo Urbanus Kyotoitus, 65 min
7. Homo Urbanus Tokyoitus, 55 min
8. Homo Urbanus Shanghaianus, 55 min
9. Homo Urbanus Dohanus, 55 min
10. Homo Urbanus Venetianus, 55 min
Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine are video-artists, filmmakers, producers and publishers who have worked together since 2005. The duo experiments with new narrative and cinematographic forms relating to contemporary architecture and the urban environment, and focusing on how the built environment shapes daily life. Their unique and personal approach can be defined, in reference to French writer Georges Perec, as an ‘anthropology of the ordinary’. Bêka and Lemoine's films have been selected and awarded by major film festivals including Cannes Films Festival, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, CPH:DOX, DocAviv, Chicago International Film Festival and Torino Film Festival. Their films have also been presented at the Venice Architecture Biennale (2008, 2010, 2014), the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016, the Seoul Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, and Performa 17 in New York.
14 September 2023
15 September 2023