100 Climate Conversations: Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
‘The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most visible icons of Australia. It is under threat and we must act now to save it.’
As chief scientist of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation Ove Hoegh-Guldberg has dedicated his career to understanding climate impact on coral reef ecosystems. In the 1980s he was among the first to warn of the vulnerability of reef systems and in the decades since has led collaborative research into coral adaptation and conservation. See Hoegh-Guldberg in conversation with Nate Byrne, recorded live at Powerhouse Ultimo as part of 100 Climate Conversations. Free. Bookings essential.
100 Climate Conversations is an award-winning survey of visionary Australians who are accelerating the net zero carbon revolution. To find out more and subscribe to the podcast visit 100climateconversations.com
Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg is the Chief Scientist of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and has spent four decades studying how ocean warming and acidification threaten marine ecosystems. He authored a landmark 1999 research paper predicting the loss of coral reefs globally by 2050. Since then, he has advocated for 50 global conservation areas to ensure the future of coral on the planet. His advocacy work also includes contributing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Nate Byrne is a meteorologist, oceanographer, science communicator and former navy officer, but is perhaps best known for his high-energy ABC News Breakfast weather broadcasts. From briefing senior military officers to hosting children’s science shows, Byrne understands the importance of climate-focused communications.
On Gadigal land
Powerhouse Ultimo
500 Harris St
Ultimo NSW 2007
Open Hours
Daily 10am–5pm
Thursday 5–9pm
11 August 2023
We encourage visitors with accessibility requirements to contact us via book@powerhouse.com.au or (02) 9217 0222 for help in planning your visit. We accept Companion Cards.
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