A silver gelatin dry plate glass negative in landscape format.

Country Always

Caring for Country

A Corner of the Empire

The Garden Palace

Sepia photograph of the Technological Museum and a cow in the foreground

The Holding Pen

The Agricultural Hall

Sepia photograph of the Technological College and Museum in Broken Hill

Regional Networks

Across New South Wales

A Museum of Doing

Technological Museum

Colour photograph of red corrugated iron building from a high vantage point

Transforming the Tramsheds

Powerhouse Stage 1 and the Harwood Building

A Symbol in Time

Sydney Observatory

Powerhouse Museum, Stage 2 exterior from high angle, city skyline in background

Ongoing Transformations

Powerhouse Ultimo

Blurred image from film with museum object number

Applied Arts and Sciences

Defining the terms in the 21st century

Powerhouse Renewal

Two people standing next to a cow in a field of cows.

Powerhouse Food: Producers

Across Western Sydney24 Aug 2024 — 25 Jul 2025
Pop art collage with many bright colours and overlapping graphics.

Powerhouse Lane

Parramatta Lanes23—26 Oct
Shadows cast by the Powerhouse Parramatta exoskeleton on concrete


Powerhouse Parramatta

A woman stands on stage in front of a large audience. She has her left hand raised in the air and a microphone in her right hand. The audience are holding their phones up recording the woman.

Blak Powerhouse

Powerhouse x We Are Warriors

Slider thumb2024

The Act

The purpose and activities of the Powerhouse Museum are directed by the legislation of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act (1945).

wooden books lined up. Object No. 86/1341 Collection of Australian timber samples in the form of books

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act (1945)

Since its inception Powerhouse Museum has been intrinsically connected to community and industry. By folding time, reinforcing the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act 1945 and reckoning with our history, we recognise Powerhouse Museum as ‘a vitalising force’ (Arthur Penfold, 1945), ‘known for its unique reputation for the services it renders to industry’ (Penfold, 1937) and ‘of interest and lasting service to the mass population’ (The Technological, Industrial and Sanitary Museum Annual Report, 1881).

Powerhouse Museum will effectively minister to the needs and demands of the community in any or all branches of applied science and art and the development of industry.

The objectives include:

  • display of selected objects arranged to illustrate the industrial advance of civilisation and the development of inventions and manufactures;
  • promotion of craftsmanship and artistic taste by illustrating the history and development of the applied arts;
  • lectures, broadcasts, films, publications and other educational means;
  • scientific research and any other means necessary or desirable for the development of the natural resources and manufacturing industries of New South Wales.
Two large white geometric frames above a construction site being positioned to form an A shape.

Annual Report 2022–23

Another incredible year marked by key cultural milestones across four sites.

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Man stands at entrance to A Line, A Web, A World


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Annual Reports

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Trust 2024

Powerhouse Museum is operated and maintained by the Trustees of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, which is constituted as a body corporate under the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act 1945 (the Museum’s Act). Under the provisions of the Act, the nine Trustees are appointed by the Governor of NSW, on the recommendation of the NSW Minister for the Arts, for a term of up to three years, and may serve for a maximum of three full terms.

Executive Team